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Read About the Bonsai in Zach’s Collection
bald cypress
Potting & Repotting Season – Bald Cypress
potting & repotting season - bald cypressSneak PeekLet's make a formal upright bonsai!Potting and Repotting Season - Bald CypressThe BC's are coming out - these are trees from south of me that "remember" where they're from, so usually nothing comes out before they...
Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #3 For 2022
bald cypress collecting trip #3 for 2022Sneak PeekMore specimens from this week's trip.Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #3 for 2022It's a given that I'll have Bald cypresses budding out each year before just about everything else - Chinese elms usually being first. ...
Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #2 For 2022
bald cypress collecting trip #2 for 2022Sneak PeekMore specimens from this week's trip.Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #2 for 2022The weather has taken a cold turn recently. Though we do alternate with moderate days, it seems that every weekend it turns cold again. As...
Read About the Bonsai in Zach’s Collection
Portrait Time – Hawthorn, Oak, Elm
portrait time - hawthorn, oak, elmSneak PeekThere's nothing like the combination of spring, sunny weather and nicely developed bonsai.Portrait Time - Hawthorn, Oak, Water-ElmWell, after the winter we had it does your heart good to see your trees responding to spring. ...
Bonsai Odds & Ends – Rip, Swamp Maple, Ginkgo, Surprise
bonsai odds & ends - rip, swamp maple, ginkgo, surpriseSneak PeekSpring is in full force, and there's lots going on around here. Today it's worth checking in on 'Rip van Winkle' the Willow oak, the Swamp maple and Ginkgo I potted late, and a surprise.Bonsai Odds...
It’s Happening – Sunshine, Warmth and Foliage
it's happening - sunshine, warmth and foliageSneak PeekIt's hard to describe how you feel when after bitter cold, snow and ice, you finally get sunshine warmth, and foliage on your bonsai!It's Happening - Sunshine, Warmth and FoliageIt's so great to finally be getting...
Read About the Bonsai in Zach’s Collection
riverflat hawthorn
Rebuilding A Live Oak Bonsai
rebuilding a live oak bonsaiSneak PeekSometimes you have to start over with a bonsai. That has been the case with this old Live oak I was left by a bonsai friend who passed.Rebuilding a Live Oak BonsaiI've shown you this Live oak bonsai before. I received it as a...
Mayhaw Work And Lantana Flowers (Surprise)
mayhaw work and lantana flowers (surprise)Sneak PeekI have this Mayhaw I collected a couple of years ago. It's grown well enough that some development work is called for. Plus I have a Lantana that is producing flowers that are - reduced in size?Mayhaw Work and...
Portrait Time – Hawthorn, Oak, Elm
portrait time - hawthorn, oak, elmSneak PeekThere's nothing like the combination of spring, sunny weather and nicely developed bonsai.Portrait Time - Hawthorn, Oak, Water-ElmWell, after the winter we had it does your heart good to see your trees responding to spring. ...
Read About the Bonsai in Zach’s Collection
willow oak
Live Oak Update
live oak updateSneak PeekSometimes you have to start over with a bonsai. That has been the case with this old Live oak I was left by a bonsai friend who passed.Live Oak UpdateBack in May I started the rebuilding process on what started out as a legacy tree I was...
The Beech Code?
the beech code?Sneak PeekBeech make wonderful bonsai. American beech, however, is nowhere near as amenable to development as its European or Japanese counterparts. But that might not be the end of the story ....The Beech Code?I collected this American beech, Fagus...
Rebuilding A Live Oak Bonsai
rebuilding a live oak bonsaiSneak PeekSometimes you have to start over with a bonsai. That has been the case with this old Live oak I was left by a bonsai friend who passed.Rebuilding a Live Oak BonsaiI've shown you this Live oak bonsai before. I received it as a...
we love your input
Hi Zach,
When is the next availability of Bald Cypress. I live in Michigan.
I would like to get one booked.
I am retired from the bonsai business, Aby. Sorry.
Is bald cypress Cypressbonsai20 available for sale?
so this is the 1st time in a while I’ve been to the site just showing it off and im super impressed.
Thank you, Josh!
Zach, I see you train bonsai BC in flat top style but am not sure what to picture. Is it supposed to mimic a tree that lost its conical top from wind damage or lightning? Does it look like a bald head with hair/branches growing out from the sides only? Do you have finished ones like this to show as an example?
Thanks, Danny
Danny, the so-called flat-top Bald cypress is simply an older tree that has lost most of its lower branches as it’s grown taller and older, and having reached its genetically limited height the growth in the crown spreads laterally. Check out this post to get an idea of one in training.