This is one of the Water-elms I collected on August 4th. I really liked the natural but artistic look of the clump (not all clumps are worth working on, trust me). I knew I could make something really special out of this one.
In two months’ time this tree has put on so much growth that I know the root system will allow me to slip-pot it without any concerns. And that gives me a head-start on its development as a bonsai.
Here’s how I did the slip-potting. One of the things to keep in mind when you’re collecting trees is the bonsai pot that lies in the future. The roots of the tree must fit that pot, and that means not only the radial roots but the tap root as well. Be sure to chop it short enough so that the tree fits “comfortably” in the pot. You don’t want to do that chop but once.