I enjoy making new bonsai material by taking cuttings from the trees I work with. I also enjoy working with the species Riverflat hawthorn, Crataegus opaca. Unfortunately, those two pleasures seldom happen together.
I have found Riverflat hawthorn cuttings to be extremely difficult to root. Maybe it’s operator error, but maybe it’s just a quirk of the species. Regardless, this photo represents a single specimen I got to take about six or seven years ago. It’s been completely container grown since that time, and this is how it looked back in 2017. That’s a standard small concrete mixing tub which measures about 24″ long by 18″ wide, to give you an idea of scale.
Is it OK to collect wild English hawthorn in Autumn months?
I have never collected English hawthorn, so can’t give any guidance.
Thanks for the comprehensive lesson on propagation. That the tree spent all it’s life in the same container was interesting and time saving news.
A promising specimen, Zach.
Happy New Year! pk
Thanks, Pierre. Happy New Year to you too!
Beautiful step forward, Zach and a perfect learning moment. I love this tree’s potential.
Thank you, Richard.