This was a pretty quick operation. The original pot and this one are both by Lary Howard; each is unique, but this one suits the tree better. I did have to do some light root-pruning to ensure the perfect fit, but the tree won’t care.
I was also able to lift the tree slightly in the pot, which shows the surface rootage better. Ramification is going to be the first order of business during this growing season. With Water-elms, I’ve found that grow and clip is the technique of choice once the original design is made by means of wiring and shaping. Occasionally you’ll need to do some wiring on a mature specimen, but it’s generally minimal.
This tree is available at our Water-Elm Bonsai page, if you’d like to take over the refinement work.
Great job with the lantana.
By the way, looks like your site needs tweeking a little.
Thank you for the feedback, Pierre.
Love this Lantana Zach….great work with all these trees.
Best regards, Tom
Thank you, Tom.
The Iker pot was a good choice.
Thanks, Bill. I love it when pot and tree come together.