Bonsai South is growing. I already knew it, but it really came home to me when I ran out of bench space last week. I like for all of my trees in pots to be off the ground, even the pre-bonsai that will end up going out as raw material. With last week’s bald cypress collecting trip being such a great success, I found myself having to use mixing tubs to pot four of them. Talk about take up some room!

Benches2-13-16-1The spot wasn’t hard to pick. I’ve been working my way toward the front of my main display area for the past few years. You can see the beginning of the process; get the first block in the right spot and level, and it goes a lot easier from there.





About an hour later, the bench is built. I use a very simple design. Cement block and (in this case) treated 2×6’s eight feet long. It’s sturdy and the boards will last at least three to five years.






The bald cypresses were close by, so no need to lug them far. One new bench down, one to go (for now – I’m sure I’ll have to continue expanding as time goes on). I’ve still got a few weeks of collecting season left to go, so there’s no doubt all of my benches will be chock-a-block going into spring. Then, with a little luck, they’ll start emptying out.