I showed you this tree last week, specifically to demonstrate how far you can come in just a year’s time. The tree was also showing some fall color. Well, a week later and the color has continued to develop. The leaves will be off this tree before long, possibly as a result of a rain or winter storm, and that will be that till spring. But that’s not the point of this post.
In studying the tree recently I found what I think is a better front. From this view the tree seems more “open.” Still a fine branch set and good trunk movement and character, but this view just seems to have more going for it. So that’s a decision made.
I’m a brave slip-potter. This one has all the roots it needs to maintain intracellular pressure through winter. So I’m not concerned about moving the tree from one home to another, even at this time of year.
The first pot was very nice but I do think this one is more fitting for this tree.
Thanks, Shirley.
Zach the new pot looks great with this tree. The Cedar Elm has a very nice taper and awesome movement to the left. I was wondering if the bottom branch could be wired and have its direction changed just a little more to the right, might help fill in the gap.
Great tree no matter what you do with it.
Thanks, Bob. I plan to use the increasing secondary-tertiary branch growth in 2019 to accomplish a lot with the fullness of the tree in that area.
Great choice of pot, Zach, and the roots will go on growing over the winter.
In a slant style, I usually prefer to have the 1st branch come out on the opposite direction of the slant. pk
Thanks, Pierre. You’re absolutely right about that first branch. It just wasn’t an option for me. But I think the tree works pretty well despite the problem.
Hello Zach,
How did you do? One word…excellent.
Once again, it shows how you are able to capture the wonderful “inner tree” without forcing it to conform to a preconceived idea of how it should be. The larger pot not only accommodates the informal upright character, but brings the negative space on the right (in the picture) into more of a balanced perspective. Great job Zach…
Chris J.
Thanks, Chris, I do appreciate the compliment!
Very nice work. I wish I had your eye for future potential of a tree
I appreciate the kind words, Jon.
Love it! I’m a firm believer in a bit larger pot not a fan of stuffing a tree into what sometimes is a Japanese tradition of putting a tree into what is too small a pot.
Thanks, Joe.