Bonsai stories don’t usually develop all that quickly, bonsai being largely a matter of time and what you do here and there along the way. But this one has been something.
Here it is today, 10 days out of the ground (and directly placed in a bonsai pot to boot).
It looks like I’ll have shoots to work with in a few weeks, at which time I’ll go ahead and wire some branches. The trunk of this tree is so neat, I don’t see how I can go wrong with the design.
Stay tuned for updates. It looks like they’ll be coming closer together than usual.
It looks like a little bit of carving will go a long way on the third cut coming up from the
where the roots will start to show. The trunk is amazing with all the crooks and bends that it takes. amazing pot great color. Iam sure you will use the correct wiring for this guy.
Can’t wait.
Keep collecting and growing,
Bob G.
Thank you, Bob.