We’re pleased to offer fine quality Yaupon bonsai and pre-bonsai for sale. Yaupon is a common hedging shrub used across the country, and we also collect many native specimens. The species has small leaves and grows very well in summer.

Yaupon (Yauponbonsai5)

Dwarf Yaupon – Ilex Vomitoria 'Nana'

This specimen was pulled from a hedge I had removed in 2018. It was here when my home was built in 1982, so that gives you an idea of its age.

The trunk character is outstanding, which is what you’d expect from an old specimen such as this. I recently did the initial styling, so you have a good start on building a fine bonsai in short order. It can go into a bonsai pot in 2020.

The trunk base is 6″ across, and it’s 16″ tall.

Estimated Age: 35-40 years

Ships on 8/26/19 or 9/2/19

Item #Dwyaup1pre

SOLD: $695 (delivered)


Yaupon (Yauponbonsai5)

Yaupon – Ilex Vomitoria

Collected in winter 2017, this is one is on its way to being an outstanding literati bonsai.

The trunk character is fantastic, with a natural shari running most of the length of the trunk; the movement is very graceful.

I direct-potted this specimen into a very fine Chuck Iker round, which I think complements the tree perfectly.

The trunk base is 1.5″ in diameter, and it’s 12″ to the chop.

I’m anticipating a finished height of about 16-18″.

Estimated Age: 15-20 years

SOLD: $165 (delivered)

Yaupon (Yauponbonsai3)

Yaupon – Ilex Vomitoria

Collected in winter 2016, here’s a nice triple-trunk clump style Yaupon bonsai.

Very nice interplay among the trunks.

Hollies really grow well in summer, and this one is no exception. I’m already getting ramification.

The neat gnarly trunk base is 3″ in diameter, and the final height should be about 16-18″.

Beautiful custom pot by Chuck Iker.

Estimated Age: 35 years

SOLD: $215 (delivered)

Yaupon (Yaupon2pre)

Yaupon – Ilex Vomitoria

Collected in winter 2016, this is a nice smaller specimen with a great shari in the lower part of the trunk. Nice base and trunk character.

I chopped the trunk in order to build better taper in the specimen. This process will take about 3-4 years.

Basal diameter is 2″ and it’s chopped at 8″. The new leader is now about 21″ tall. It’ll get cut back hard next spring. Finished height should be about 14″.

This one is known to be a female.

Estimated Age: 25-30 years

SOLD: $95 (delivered)

Yaupon (Yauponbonsai2)

Yaupon – Ilex Vomitoria

Collected in winter 2016, this is a unique twin-trunk specimen.

Notice how “cozy” the two trunks are.

Today (5/21/16) this bonsai-in-the-making got its first wiring. You can get a very good idea from this limited amount of work where this tree is going.

Since hollies grow best in summer, I expect a lot more growth for this specimen by fall. The wire will need to come off in about four to six weeks, with another round of wiring at that time for the secondary branching.

This one has a trunk base of 1.75″ and is 17″ to the tip of the new leader. That should be the finished height.

Beautiful custom pot by Byron Myrick.

Estimated Age: 25 years

SOLD: $185 (delivered)

Yaupon (Yaupon3pre)

Yaupon – Ilex Vomitoria

Collected in winter 2016, this one features a great shari running most of the length of the trunk.

Today (5/21/16) I carved the chop in order to connect it to the shari, and wired up the new leader to get it going the right way. In another two or three weeks it’ll be time to wire the rest of the branches.

The trunk base is 1.75″ and it’s 17″ to the tip of the new leader.

This specimen is known to be a female, by the way, which means it has the potential for berries as long as you have a male nearby.

Estimated Age: 25 years

SOLD: $125 (delivered)

Yaupon (Yauponbonsai1)

Yaupon – Ilex Vomitoria

Connected root/raft/clump style, five tree group, collected in 2014.

Base is 8″ across the front, 4″ front to back. Finished height should be about 16″.

What caught my eye about this specimen was the terrific root base and awesome shari. So I decided to create tapering trunks from scratch, and began that process last year.

Based on the growth rate, I expect this work to be completed in another two years at which time the final structure of the individual trunks can be developed.

Potted on December 20, 2015 in this very nice training pot.

Estimated Age: 40-60 years

SOLD: $350 (delivered)

Contact Bonsai South

We love bonsai … you love bonsai … let’s talk! Drop Zach a line with your questions and comments; he works to answer every email personally as soon as it arrives in his inbox. Thanks!

Address: 9116 Dorothy Lane
St Francisville, Louisiana 70775

Phone: (225) 784 – 2168