Pine (Loblolly3pre)

Loblolly Pine – Pinus Taeda

1.25″ trunk base, 21.5″ to the tip of the new leader (finished height).

This one will be representative of the tall pines you often see. Initial wiring and shaping today (12/19/15).

It shouldn’t be difficult to get the crown to fill in next year. Also ready for a bonsai pot this coming spring.

SOLD: $95 (delivered)

Pine (Loblolly2preB)
Pine (Loblolly2pre)

Loblolly Pine – Pinus Taeda

Nice classic pine-tree shape in the making.

1.25″ trunk base, 16″ to the tip of the new leader (finished height).

I’m working on chasing back the lower branches. Loblolly backbuds well enough to make this happen relatively quickly. Check out the before picture to the far left to see how fast this one is taking shape.

This tree can go into a bonsai pot in 2016.

SOLD: $110 (delivered)

Pine (Loblolly1pre)

Loblolly Pine – Pinus Taeda

I just wired this tree for the second time and trimmed it back.

Loblolly pine is much easier to grow than Japanese black pine. It grows much more vigorously, backbuds extremely well, and has that typical Southern pine look about it.

This one is from nursery stock. Good trunk movement, and I’ve been chasing the branches back this year. The interior foliage will continue to tighten up in 2015.

Estimated Age: 5-10 years

SOLD: $95 (delivered)

Contact Bonsai South

We love bonsai … you love bonsai … let’s talk! Drop Zach a line with your questions and comments; he works to answer every email personally as soon as it arrives in his inbox. Thanks!

Address: 9116 Dorothy Lane
St Francisville, Louisiana 70775

Phone: (225) 784 – 2168