Crabapple - Malus Species
Collected in Winter 2017 by a bonsai friend in Pennsylvania, this one almost qualifies as a formal upright and can be grown that way if you like. Nice hefty trunk with good character. I’ve created the branch structure and have a leader growing out that’s thickening quickly. Next year will be the time to chop this back and regrow the next phase of the apex. It can go into a bonsai pot in 2019.
Trunk base is 2.5″ at the soil surface, and it’s 16″ to the chop. Finished height should be about 24-26″.
SOLD: $225 (delivered)
Crabapple - Malus Species
Collected in Winter 2017 by a bonsai friend in Pennsylvania, this is a very nice informal upright bonsai-to-be. I did the initial styling today (4/2/17). Great trunk taper and character. This tree is growing so fast the basic design will be set by the end of this growing season.
Trunk base is 2.5″ at the soil surface, and it’s 17″ to the chop. Finished height will be about 24″.
This one will be ready for its first bonsai pot next year. Plus it’ll be time to do the necessary carving on the trunk at the chops.
SOLD: $295 (delivered)
Crabapple - Malus Species
Collected by a bonsai friend in Pennsylvania, this is what you might call a “companion” piece. The two trunks “kiss” one another, and I think this will end up making it a unique bonsai. Plenty of growth extending now, should be ready for a wiring in May. The main trunk base is 1.5″ and it’s 11.5″ to the chop.
It’s also throwing some root suckers, which could be used to add trunks if you want a clump-style specimen. Good radial roots, too.
SOLD: $95 (delivered)
Crabapple - Malus Species
Collected by a bonsai friend in Pennsylvania, here’s a good basic piece of raw material.
I wired up a leader, and now it’s just a matter of letting the trunk shoots extend and then wiring them into position. Can be done in May.
The trunk base is 1.25″ and it’s 9.5″ to the chop.
Estimated Age: 15-20 years
SOLD: $65 (delivered)
Crabapple - Malus Species
Collected by a bonsai friend in Pennsylvania, this specimen has wonderful trunk movement and taper.
Putting on a lot of growth now, including buds down the trunk that will make designing this one a breeze. Great radial roots (buried to protect them). The trunk base is 2.75″ and it’s 14.5″ to the chop.
A beautiful bonsai to be.
SOLD: $350 (delivered)
Contact Bonsai South
We love bonsai … you love bonsai … let’s talk! Drop Zach a line with your questions and comments; he works to answer every email personally as soon as it arrives in his inbox. Thanks!
Address: 9116 Dorothy Lane
St Francisville, Louisiana 70775
Phone: (225) 784 – 2168