Bald Cypress Development – Two Styles, Two Points In Time
bald cypress development - two styles, two points in timeSneak PeekThere are two basic styles of Bald cypress bonsai - pyramidal (formal/informal upright) and flat-top. Their development and the speed at which they develop could not be more different.Bald Cypress...

Bald Cypress Initial Styling And Potting
bald cypress initial styling and pottingSneak PeekThis specimen will make a nice larger flat-top BC bonsai.Bald Cypress Initial Styling and PottingLarger Bald cypress specimens almost always lend themselves to one of two styles - either the classic pyramidal (informal...

Potting & Repotting Season – Bald Cypress
potting & repotting season - bald cypressSneak PeekLet's make a formal upright bonsai!Potting and Repotting Season - Bald CypressThe BC's are coming out - these are trees from south of me that "remember" where they're from, so usually nothing comes out before they...

Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #3 For 2022
bald cypress collecting trip #3 for 2022Sneak PeekMore specimens from this week's trip.Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #3 for 2022It's a given that I'll have Bald cypresses budding out each year before just about everything else - Chinese elms usually being first. ...

Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #2 For 2022
bald cypress collecting trip #2 for 2022Sneak PeekMore specimens from this week's trip.Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #2 for 2022The weather has taken a cold turn recently. Though we do alternate with moderate days, it seems that every weekend it turns cold again. As...

Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #1 For 2022
bald cypress collecting trip #1 for 2022Sneak PeekThis BC collecting season got off to a late start due to weather, but things are starting to look up.Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #1 for 2022I love this time of year - but only for the opportunity to collect new...

Bonsai Odds & Ends – Hawthorn, Cypress, Spekboom
bonsai odds & ends - hawthorn, cypress, spekboomSneak PeekFall brings a little color to our part of the Deep South. The growing season is over, but it's still fun to work on tropicals.Bonsai Odds & Ends - Hawthorn, Cypress, SpekboomHere is the Deep South we...

Bald Cypress With Knee Gets Initial Styling
bald cypress with knee gets intial stylingSneak PeekIt's always great to find Bald cypresses in the swamp that have knees, especially when the scale is right. Here's one that's ready for its first styling.Bald Cypress with Knee Gets Initial StylingI was really...

New Flat-Top Bald Cypress
new flat-top bald cypressSneak PeekEach year we bring home a few BC's that catch my eye to the point that I want to train them. This one shouted "flat-top." So let's see if we can get that going.New Flat-Top Bald CypressWhen we brought home this year's Bald cypress...

Monster Bald Cypress Available
monster bald cypress availableSneak PeekWe always bring home a selection of very large Bald cypresses each collecting season. Here's one that's available for someone looking for a "statement" BC.Monster Bald Cypress AvailableWe brought home this monster Bald cypress...