I’m currently in Florida where Bald Cypress are everywhere, however, most are over 80ft tall. Question is, how did you go about getting so many smaller trunks? Any advice on where to search for those? Also, are you digging them up and replanting or chopping it down and potting?
I just started to learn Bonsai after visiting NC Arboretum and seeing its bald cypress bonsai. I have a lot of BC seedlings in the yard every year. Would love to learn to make bonsai with them. Can I get a guide as well? Thank you!
Since you collect Bald Cypress during the winter, would it be safe to assume you can also re-pot Bald Cypress during the winter as well? Or, do you wait for another specific time of the year?
I would wait until late winter to repot. When you root-prune, your tree will want to wake up and if you get some warmish weather followed by a cold snap it can harm the tree. I don’t know where you are, but if you can time your repot to within a couple of weeks of budburst that would be ideal.
Great trees! Thanks for sharing!
I’m currently in Florida where Bald Cypress are everywhere, however, most are over 80ft tall. Question is, how did you go about getting so many smaller trunks? Any advice on where to search for those? Also, are you digging them up and replanting or chopping it down and potting?
I just started to learn Bonsai after visiting NC Arboretum and seeing its bald cypress bonsai. I have a lot of BC seedlings in the yard every year. Would love to learn to make bonsai with them. Can I get a guide as well? Thank you!
Since you collect Bald Cypress during the winter, would it be safe to assume you can also re-pot Bald Cypress during the winter as well? Or, do you wait for another specific time of the year?
I would wait until late winter to repot. When you root-prune, your tree will want to wake up and if you get some warmish weather followed by a cold snap it can harm the tree. I don’t know where you are, but if you can time your repot to within a couple of weeks of budburst that would be ideal.
4th one down has a super gnarly knee.. that’s pretty dope…
Sure is, Avery. Thanks!
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