bald cypress collecting trip #5 for 2021

Sneak Peek

Trees are starting to bud already south of us, so this is probably our last BC collecting trip for 2021.

Bald Cypress Collecting Trip #5 for 2021

The willows are coming out now, down south of us, and the swamp maples are blooming. When you add to that the fact that I have some BC’s on my benches that are showing green buds, I think it’s time to call the collecting season done for 2021.

Here’s the star of the show for today. Check out the knee behind the tree. It’s definitely connected to the trunk, so if it roots then I’ve got a special tree on the bench. I think this is the best front for the tree.

Another view. Easier to see the knee, but the trunk is not as impressive from this angle.

This one measures 3.5″ at a height of 3.5″ from the soil surface, and it’s chopped at 26″. It’s going to make a fine informal upright (very nice taper and movement, love the basal flare).

This one has a 3″ trunk, with nice radial roots and outstanding character. And you have to love the change of direction in the trunk. I see a flat-top here.

This one also has a 3″ trunk, but it’s made really special by the fluting near the base – somewhat hard to make out in this photo, but it’s quite prominent for a tree this size. I’m always looking for this quality of material.

Finally for today, this is an even smaller specimen sporting a 2″ base (chopped at 20″). While it’s also hard to make out in the photo, this one has subtle fluting in the trunk and that’s really unusual for a specimen this small. Nice flare and roots at the base as well.

I’d love to hear what you think of today’s catch.