I collected more bald cypress today. As I suspected would happen, many are budding out. This shouldn’t present any problem with their surviving, but it certainly will delay their rebudding. Still, how can you say no to really nice bald cypress?
Here’s one of the larger ones I collected, sporting a 4″ trunk. I chopped it at 26″. Looks like a nice formal upright.
You may notice that this tree has a lot of fibrous roots. Pretty much all of the ones I got today were like this. It’s a good thing, since it improves the likelihood of survival; but it presents a challenge when it comes time to pot up the tree. I typically use a regular nursery mix when potting up new collects, and this mix is usually not dry. This makes it a bit hard to work in between all those roots – but it has to be done.
Here’s another of the larger specimens from today. I really like the turn of the trunk on this one, as the taper is outstanding. 4″ trunk, chopped at 22″. Either an informal upright or flat-top style will work.
This one had really great fibrous roots, great radial roots (as with the others) and a little buttressing to boot. Nice on a smaller specimen. The fibrous roots were good enough to encourage me to go ahead and pot it into this nice Chuck Iker round. How about the movement of the trunk and the taper?
For reference, this cypress has a 2.5″ trunk and is 21.5″ to the chop. And I know you’re curious about that long branch sticking out in front. This tree was budding out when I collected it, so I’ll use the branch to gauge when the tree is starting to move again.